Welcome to the Eat, Shop, Play, Love blog. This is a writing experiment that aims to lend a voice to the millions of Asians around the world who have left their native countries to live their lives in a different place, for whatever the reasons may be. Read the authors' profiles here.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Cirrus Cloud on Love: 5Cs to 5Bs (The Alphabets of Singaporean Love)

On my recent trip back to Singapore, I bumped into an old friend at Takashimaya. I was walking by Tiffany’s and saw him shopping for something. I rushed in to say hello as well as to find out whether he was picking out a rock! Ooh how exciting I thought.

“Hello K! Long time no see.”

“Oh wow, hello it’s you! How’s New York?”

After the exchange of pleasantries, I boldly asked if he needed to tell me any good news.

“No, I am buying a gift for my niece and I am also not going to get married in the foreseeable future!”

He sure sounded jaded but I didn’t want to probe further. So we picked out a gift for the birthday girl.

Then, K confided that he was dating a 25 year-old lady and how he came to relationship fatigue.

During my growing up years (K’s included), Singaporeans were criticised for being too materialistic. The relationship or marriage equation is simple. The man must have the 5 Cs to be deemed courtship-worthy:

1. Condominium

2. Cash

3. Car

4. Credit Card

5. Career

K told me how he had been re-educated about the alphabets of Singaporean love. The 25 year-old had told him that the girls today no longer crave for the 5 Cs, but the 5 Bs.

They want:

1. Not just a condominium, but a Bungalow

2. Not just cash, but a Billionaire

3. Not just a car, but at least a BMW

4. Not just a credit card, but own a Bank (gasp!)

5. Not just a career, but be a Boss

I would say, not only did I sympathise with K, I thought this to be ridiculous. If we were to measure love by material goods, then should we all be lonely souls because we deserve it?

I was flabbergasted, a tad disgusted by what I heard to say the least. If I were K, I would rather be celibate than give in to the impossible demands of women in Singapore. Or is it just Singapore? That is another question in itself.

K then told me that he was going to concentrate on his career, earn big bucks and buy a wife when he reaches 40. This is just sad. I told him maybe he hasn’t met “The One” yet and am sure she will not be that avaricious.

In my generation, we were once capable of being ‘Mesdemoiselles Materialistic’; now the young girls are touted to be ‘Mesdemoiselles More-than-Materialistic’.

Surely there must be other versions of this alphabet of love, but I lament about the inflation of love. Can you imagine? Even love has to be put through economic inflation!

As I pen this, I simply ask myself, “What are we becoming or what have we become?”


  1. thanks for enlightening me on the 5B's. looks like times have indeed changed. it must be tough being a singaporean man!

  2. i am severely short-changed then! Must talk to H about this ... lol! i am happy - i've got H&M, worth more than 5Cs and 5Bs really. and 5Cs and 5Bs can't buy!

    really! what have we become?! it must be tough being a singaporean girl, too.

    hope you're well in NYC. love, S

  3. J: Tough world, eh? :)

    S: H&M--priceless! All good here babes! x

  4. In support of the Singaporean girl, I think the men are just as fussy! Some of them still live in the 1950s and want a wife who will cook and clean for them, while working full-time (but not in a better job than them of cos).
